Hey Loves!
I mean, how is it the end of February? I feel like January was 3 months long and February comes in like a hurricane being the shortest month with the most to celebrate. Black History Month, Hubs birthday, Valentine’s Day, James’s birthday… and the start of the lenten season.
I understand Ash Wednesday is not a traditional holiday and thus, there’s no decor or days off but, in our house we celebrate the big and the small. Personally, taking time to consecrate our faith, make a public profession and boldly choose to eliminate something from our lives and/or bring something in lives that will bring us closer to Christ is big. So, in my true fashion, we celebrate it.
We start with some fun printables like these that allow us to discuss the upcoming the season- what a sacrifice is and how to choose one, who and what we will pray for, and what this time is to focus on. I think it is important to teach my children the relational effects of fasting and prayer and not the religious act.
We also discuss the good and the bad about we we are giving up or giving in to… sacrifices are not meant to be easy so “sacrificing” something you don’t like anyway doesn’t quite make the cut. I also I am not trying to punish my kids. While I gently guide them, I don’t force their sacrifices upon them.
We wake on Ash Wednesday to go get our Ashes. For the past few years, we’ve gotten them from the comfort of our car. Yup, you read that right-we have gotten our Ashes through the drive-through of a local church. One day, I’ll find a child-friendly service but alas, this has worked for us.
Do you and your family do something special to prepare for Lent?