Hey Loves!
If we are friends via socials, you know my kids EAT! If you ask me, food is their love language. I can assure you this said love language was inherited from their dad. You pair that with my affinity to celebrate the big and small and how “extra” I am and you have a family that loves snack boards, charcuterie boards, fry boards… I’ve done everything from charcuterie to pizza to ice cream to breakfast boards. It’s the snack boards that I feel are the easiest to pull off so I am going to share how we do holiday snack boards.

Use What You Have: This is a must. Legit, start in your pantry, fridge and cupboards and grab staples-crackers, pretzels, nuts, chips, fruit and berries. Seriously, start there. For us, this is imperative because of my kids’ dietary restrictions. I need to make sure what they are eating is not only good to them but good for them.

Include Something New: My kids are pretty great eaters (humble brag) and will try just about anything within their dietary restrictions but this is a great time to add in something new to try. I’ve done pickled veggies, sweet pickles, flavored goat cheese brie, figs, blood oranges and other things I am forgetting. I think these situations, where there is so much that’s familiar and they like to eat, are great opportunities to introduce something they’ve never tried. This way, I can really deduce if it is something they don’t like and, more often than not, they find something new they do like.

Include Favorites: I use these for very specific boards-like fry boards. I will be sure to add a variety of fries and all the dipping condiments. Maybe, if we are having ice cream, I will lay out all the sauces and toppings on a board and allow them to partake in sundae instead of “just” ice cream. This is what takes it up a notch. I did an apple-dippers board and made sure to include everything that I could think of-chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, marshmallows, sprinkles, peanuts… this made their eyes huge and their bellies happy.

Add Holiday Specific Items: This is the most optional of the snack board items. Fall colored tortilla chips, heart shaped pretzels, rainbow marshmallows, jelly beans, you name it. I think the more inexpensive and easily accessible these are the better. I use these items to “accent” the board, not be the board.

Lastly, maybe don’t add anything new or holiday specific and just present what you always serve in a different way. For some reason, presentation matters and people will enjoy eating more. For example, when we have chili, my kids now expect a “board”. I have always served chili with chips and toppings and maybe some cornbread. I threw it on a board and the gratitude and joy for chili was instantly upgraded.

Wanna spruce up am at-home movie night? Put those favorite snacks, treats and adult beverages on a board!

Want to clean ou the fruit before it goes bad? Throw it on a board and a carb!

So, start with what you have, add something new, maybe accent with holiday specific items and spice up things you always serve. That’s it!
For placement- you do not have a cedar plank board… I’ve used trays, cutting boards, cake stands, tiered trays… it depends on what’s clean and the size I need. I know that sounds a bit basic but it is the honest truth.

Love you. Mean it.