Hey Loves!
This summer is way easier than last summer and for that, I am thankful. It is also easier to plan for homeschool and, again, I’m thankful.
I wanted to share our homeschool Rhythm with you. Please know this will ebb and flow and is a work in progress. It’s also very far from perfect. If you want to know about our rhythms, check this out. There’s a whole blog and video detailing why do a rhythm and not a schedule.
On Tuesdays and Thurdays, we will do a little car school. Mostly science and bible using podcasts , audiobooks and call and response. On Thursdays, I would also love to do some park school, lunch outside and some good fun This is due to our enrichment activities now that we can finally safely participate in them.
Every day we will use a loop schedule for our subjects and curriculum. You can grab a blank printable here. It really helps us all to see all we need to achieve and how.
Every morning, (except tuesdays) James will do his morning starters and Jude will do morning baskets.
We will journal in the evenings, switching from the mornings. I think this will allow us to get more school work done quicker and enjoy our day.
Mondays and Wednesdays will be heavy school days, meaning, we will get through all of one loop, some review and make sure our foundation is solid.
Monday and Wednesday James will do his science and history with me solo while Jude naps.
Again, this is all proposed. Nothing is set in stone and will likely have to change or be adjusted. That is ok!!!
We are continuing with a loop schedule because that is what works for us.
Again, you can grab that template here.
Let me know how it works for you!